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School Calendar

Upon Superintendent’s Discretion, This Calendar Is Subject to Change

Families Will Be Notified of Any Changes



Days that need to be made up (due to weather or emergencies) are scheduled for . If additional days are to be made up, a letter will go home to families as soon as the dates have been approved.

Student Services

Board Certified in Special Education
Student Mental Health Specialist
Student Services & STEM Coordinator
Intervention Specialist
740-344-7279 x 529
Dr. Shardell
Dr. Shardell

Student Services and STEM Director
Ext. 529

child find graphic

Child Find Project

The Child Find Project is the process of locating and evaluating children with disabilities who may be eligible for special education and related services. Both state and local education agencies have a responsibility under federal and state law to conduct Child Find so that children who need special services have the opportunity to receive those services. Parents, teachers, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens are encouraged to help Par Excellence STEM Academy locate children who may have disabilities and who may be eligible for special education and related services. If you are aware of a child who may have special needs, please notify Dr. Shardell at 740-344-7279, ext. 529, or

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