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About Par Excellence STEM Academy

Par Excellence STEM Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school located in Newark, Ohio. We offer a stimulating educational environment built on the principles of health, harmony, and service. Par provides a values-based education that strives to inspire students. We offer innovative and challenging academic programs in a nurturing and engaging environment to assist both the child and their family. This creates a successful foundation for each child’s future through our unique curriculum, innovative approaches, and commitment to our community.

At Par Excellence, you can expect students to be ​engaged in learning, eager & motivated, and able to flourish both academically and personally!

“Health, Harmony, & Service”

“Educating Families for Life”

As an academic center of excellence, Par Excellence STEM Academy’s mission is to provide challenging, inclusive, and authentic learning experiences that Ignite and stimulate curiosity

· Build creative and critical thinkers

· Promote empathy, equity, and intrinsic love of learning

· Foster collaboration and engagement

· Allow students to pursue interests with enthusiasm and depth

Educating Students & Families for Life

The mission of Par Excellence STEM Academy is to inspire and empower all students and their families to be inclusive, innovative, collaborative, and creative leaders in a global society.

Par Excellence STEM Academy’s Culture is Health, Harmony, & Service

At Par Excellence STEM Academy, we believe that:

· STEM is for all

· Barriers to learning are meant to be smashed

· There is a scientist and mathematician in every person

· STEM and project-based learning provide essential skills necessary for 21st century careers

· Your race, culture, disability status, gender, socio-economic status, or zip code shouldn’t determine your access to a high-quality education.

Par Excellence STEM Academy staff and students are:

· Appreciative of diverse perspectives

· Collaborative leaders

· Environmental stewards

· Lifelong learners

· Informed decision-makers

· Innovative thinkers

Our Children

“Our children are 40% of our population, 100% of our future.”

Our Goal

“Helping your child succeed every day.”


What is a Charter Public School?

A charter public school is a school of choice designed to offer an alternative approach to education. Charter public schools are established under a charter (contract with the state), authorized by a local school district or the Ohio Department of Education. The “charter” outlines the metrics the school is required to meet including its mission, educational approach, student achievement, performance goals, and financial accountability metrics. Charter public schools are given greater flexibility in the operation of their schools but, unlike traditional public schools, they are assessed annually to determine if they are successfully meeting the requirements of their charter in order to ensure the continued operation of the school. Charter public schools are governed by a Board of Directors which is responsible for the policy and financial oversight of the school.

How Are Charter Public Schools Funded?

Charter public schools receive state and federal dollars like district schools receive, determined by Ohio Legislature. However, charter public schools do not receive any property tax, bond, or levy funding and are generally funded 75 cents on the dollar compared to public schools. As a result of this, most charter public schools fundraise to make up for the gap in funding.

happy kids outside

State Report Card

State Report Cards are designed to give parents, communities, educators and policymakers information about the performance of districts and schools – to celebrate success and identify areas for improvement. This information identifies schools to receive intensive supports, drives local conversations on continuous improvement, and provides transparent reporting on the performance of students in foundational skills and knowledge and other important outcomes such as graduation and college and career readiness. The goal is to ensure equitable outcomes and high expectations for all of Ohio’s students. Report Cards are only one part of the story. To get a fuller picture, we encourage you to visit the school, talk to our teachers, parents and students, and review our webpage. A lot of great things are happening every day at Par Excellence STEM Academy!

Get on the Right Track to Success